Summit Academy relies on charitable gifts to provide the best education possible for students with learning differences. There are many ways to support Summit Academy and all gifts are valued and appreciated.

The Soaring Eagle Society was founded in 2004 at Summit Academy’s first Mountaintop Breakfast.

Soaring Eagles are our most faithful donors who have made unrestricted multi-year pledges of $1,000 or more per year for five years. These contributions allow us to confidently plan for the future and are invaluable to Summit Academy’s mission.

Giving levels for the Soaring Eagle Society are as follows:

  • Dream Maker – $25,000 per year for five years 
  • Promise Keeper – $10,000 per year for five years 
  • Hope Builder – $1,000 per year for five years

Click the ‘Donate Now” button to become a member of the Soaring Eagle Society. If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact David Payne, Director of Development, at 502.244.7813 or

Summit Academy’s Annual Fund is an annual fundraising drive in support of our overall mission and programs. Investments in the Annual Fund help cover the costs of classroom materials and supplies, teachers’ salaries, professional development, technology, speech and occupational therapy services, scholarships, and other operating expenses.

Each year, Summit Academy invites trustees, faculty, staff, volunteers, parents, grandparents, alumni, friends, and community members to make a tax-deductible contribution to the Annual Fund. The money raised ensures our school has the tools and resources needed to provide our students with an exceptional education.

Tuition and fees only cover about 75% of Summit’s annual expenses. The Annual Fund helps make up the remaining 25%. Annual Fund donations are fully tax-deductible, while tuition is not. Families who are able to bridge the shortfall between tuition and the true cost of a Summit education are able to provide a direct benefit to their child while receiving a significant tax benefit.

Every gift, no matter what the amount, is valued and appreciated. Your support of the Annual Fund signals your commitment to Summit Academy and inspires others to give.

Click the ‘Donate Now” button below to make a contribution to the Annual Fund. If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact David Payne, Director of Development, at 502.244.7813 or

Did you know many companies match the charitable contributions of their employees? Ask your human resources department if they will match your support of Summit Academy in order to maximize the impact of your gift!

Planned gifts serve as a meaningful way to create a lasting legacy and fulfill your financial and philanthropic goals. Planned gifts help you meet your personal, financial and estate planning goals and can provide tax benefits and even income.

Learn about some common planned gift options below:

  • Bequest – a bequest is one of the easiest gifts to make. With the help of an advisor, you can include language in your will or trust specifying a gift to be made to Summit Academy as part of your estate plan.
  • Stocks and Bonds – by making a gift of your appreciated securities, including stocks or bonds, you can avoid paying capital gains tax that would otherwise be due if you sold these assets.
  • Retirement Assets – a gift of your retirement assets, such as a gift from your IRA, 401k, 403b, pension or other tax deferred plan, will help further Summit Academy’s work with students.
  • Insurance – if your life insurance policy is no longer needed or will no longer benefit your survivors, consider making a gift to Summit Academy to help further our mission.
  • Real Estate – if you own appreciated real property (such as your home, vacation property, vacant land, farmland or ranch or commercial property), you can avoid paying capital gains tax by making a gift to Summit Academy.
  • Charitable Gift Annuity – transfer your cash or appreciated property to Summit Academy in exchange for our promise to pay you fixed income (with rates based on your age) for the rest of your life.
  • Charitable Trust  – transfer your cash or appreciated property to fund a charitable trust. The trust sells your property tax free and provides you with income for life or a term of years.

There are many other types of planned gifts that might help you reach your unique goals and objectives. Please feel free to contact us or speak with your financial advisor for more information

If you have already made arrangements for Summit Academy in your estate plan, or if you would like additional information about making a planned gift, please contact David Payne, Director of Development, at 502.244.7813 or

Summit Academy welcomes donations of goods and services that support our educational program and mission. Technology, furniture, supplies, books, athletic equipment, and other items can enhance students’ learning and educational experience.

Gift value is determined by the donor through an appraisal or a record of purchase.

In-Kind Donation Form

Your contribution makes a difference for our students.

If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact the Director of Development. All gifts to Summit Academy are tax-deductible as allowable by law (Tax ID number 61-1214457).

